Severe weather warnings for Ibach
no active warning
Alert level details for Ibach
- level green (no warnings)
no active warning
- level dark green (weather notice)
icy roads
severe frost: < -10 °C
heat: > 30 °C
- level yellow (severe weather watch)
- Alert level Orange
severe gale/storm: gusts of 75 to 100 km/h (elevations below 1000m)
severe gale/storm: gusts of 100 to 120 km/h (elevations above 1000m)
heavy rain: precipitation amount of 30 to 50 l/m² during 24 hours
heavy rain: precipitation amount of 60 to 100 l/m² during 48 hours
heavy snow: fresh snow of 10 to 15 cm during 12 hours (elevations below 1000m)
heavy snow: fresh snow of 15 to 20 cm during 12 hours (elevations above 1000m)
heavy snow: fresh snow of 15 to 20 cm during 24 hours (elevations below 1000m)
heavy snow: fresh snow of 20 to 40 cm during 24 hours (elevations above 1000m)
thunderstorm: hail diameter of 0.5 to 1 cm
thunderstorm: precipitation amount of 10 to 20 l/m²
thunderstorm: gusts of 75 to 100 km/h
freezing rain: precipitation amount of 0.1 to 1 l/m²
- Alert level red
severe gale/storm: gusts of 100 to 130 km/h (elevations below 1000m)
severe gale/storm: gusts of 120 to 150 km/h (elevations above 1000m)
heavy rain: precipitation amount of 50 to 100 l/m² during 24 hours
heavy rain: precipitation amount of 100 to 150 l/m² during 48 hours
heavy snow: fresh snow of 15 to 25 cm during 12 hours (elevations below 1000m)
heavy snow: fresh snow of 20 to 40 cm during 12 hours (elevations above 1000m)
heavy snow: fresh snow of 20 to 40 cm during 24 hours (elevations below 1000m)
heavy snow: fresh snow of 40 to 70 cm during 24 hours (elevations above 1000m)
thunderstorm: hail diameter of 1 to 3 cm
thunderstorm: precipitation amount of 20 to 60 l/m²
thunderstorm: gusts of 100 to 130 km/h
freezing rain: precipitation amount of 1 to 5 l/m²
- Alert level violet
severe gale/storm: gusts > 130 km/h (elevations below 1000m)
severe gale/storm: gusts > 150 km/h (elevations above 1000m)
heavy rain: precipitation amount > 100 l/m² during 24 hours
heavy rain: precipitation amount > 150 l/m² during 48 hours
heavy snow: fresh snow > 25 cm during 12 hours (elevations below 1000m)
heavy snow: fresh snow > 40 cm during 12 hours (elevations above 1000m)
heavy snow: fresh snow > 40 cm during 24 hours (elevations below 1000m)
heavy snow: fresh snow > 70 cm during 24 hours (elevations above 1000m)
thunderstorm: hail diameter > 3 cm
thunderstorm: precipitation amount > 60 l/m²
thunderstorm: gusts > 130 km/h
freezing rain: precipitation amount > 5 l/m²
severe weather watch
Weather watches (YELLOW) are issued up to 48 hours in advance as the occurrence of the event may not be certain or there may be greater changes in time or in the intensity and in the moving direction of the forthcoming severe weather.